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INTERVIEW with the "IT" Fashionista: Martina Saira

By Nerina Hodzic Poplata 

(English - Bosanski)

I am sure that after watching the cult TV series Sex and the City, you may have been envious--admit it at least a little bit! You may have thought that the life of Carrie Bradshaw and the rest of her crew was a tad bit unrealistic. For example, they have very successful careers; are invited to the "it" fashion shows, events and parties in the big apple; are overwhelmed with phone calls from cute and interesting men; and always wore the super expensive designer clothes and shoes. I must admit, I was a tiny bit envious! 

Recently, I met a lady who is living in real life her Sex and the City fairytale; her name is Martina Saira. She is the director of telecommunications for the SEE, she writes a fashion column for a lifestyle magazine, and is happily married. In sum, Martina is successful, fabulous and beautiful! Immediately, I demanded an interview; thus, here you have it, an exclusive interview with a local celebrity Martina Saira for Club Fashionista!

Real-life Carrie Bradshaw: Martina Saira 

Martina in Times Square New York City

When I asked her who is Martina Saira, her reply: I am two different people. Privately, I am a wife and a friend; I am smiling, loving life and fashion. Publicly, I am a director ("the boss"), a fashion column editor, and a dreamer of owning my own fashion brand. Overall, I like challenges and am a dynamic person.

Martina Saira with her husband and her friends
Nerina for Club Fashionista: So, you work in an office, track trends, write for a lifestyle magazine, have your own fashion blog and are a wife, how do you find time to do it all? 

Martina Saira: Simply, if you love your job and if you do not mind working overtime, my schedule is possible. The results of my effort are rewarding and makes my long work hours worthwhile. Also, I developed tremendous working habits from an early age, and your work ethic is part of your success formula. Moreover, I think sometimes I have an excess amount of energy that helps to carry me throughout the day. 

Nerina for Club Fashionista: Also, I know you are an excellent skier; you repeatedly won first place at many international competitions in skiing. Which sports do you take on in the summer?

Martina Saira: True, skiing is a fulfilling sport. From an early age, I have been faithful to the mountains because of the tremendous benefit I receive from their landscape, e.g., the greenery, the fresh air, and the snow. Also, skiing is special because this is a time, where I can turn off all the buzzing thoughts in my head; I escape from everyday life; and my adrenaline rush kicks in as I pick up the fast pace on my skis. My love for sports comes from a belief that to be a good manager, you have to be well organized, which includes not only in your work but in your personal life as well. Thus, I make sure that I take care of my physical health. When not skiing, I hike on the gorgeous mountains of Bosnia and Herzegovia. The end goal is to keep in great physical shape and maintain strong muscles.
Martina Saira Skiing
Nerina for Club Fashionista: During the Sarajevo Film Festival ("SFF") this summer, I remarked that everyday you were glowing; you were wearing original and customized clothing. Were they made specifically for you by local fashion designers? 

Martina Saira: Yes, during the SFF, I wore pieces exclusively tailored for me by Bosnian fashion designers. We launched an initiative with Modamo Info to support local fahion designers by wearing their latest "it" pieces. The pieces were designed specifically for SFF and its red carpet. It was my honor to support local Bosnian fashion designers because the quality of their clothing can easily be compared with some of the biggest names in the fashion industry. SFF has set amazing trend standards, which we see and follow! I was only a small part of the story that was supposed to show that the fashion boundaries can be moved.

Dress by Nina Varga, a fashion designer from Bosnia

Dress by Belma Tvico
Nerina for Club Fashionista: You wore high-end designer shoes during the SFF. Do you have a favorite pair that you wore? 

Martina Saira: All of my shoes are almost equally dear to me. Each pair characterizes a specific fashion trend or fashion era. Each shoe trend conveys a significant story for me.

Her lovely Jimmy Choo shoes
Nerina for Club Fashionista: What is your attitude towards  make-up? On most of the photos in print and Internet media, it is evident that you prefer a natural and a nude look. Can you share some of your beauty tips with our readers?

Martina Saira: A natural and a nude look is always "in," and you can never go wrong with this choice. My advice is to find a signature makeup piece that makes you stand out. Let this signature piece be what distinguishes your own brand. The most important part is whatever you chose, be yourself. My beauty tip: try a MAC lipstick with a natural look. Another beauty tip: laugh as much as possible; even the wrinkles when you smile are attractive!

Nude make-up & Jacket by Anida Kapo
Nerina for Club Fashionista: Please reveal a few secrets to having a great sense of style? Does having good style mean you have to buy expensive and high quality clothing and striking jewelry? 

Martina Saira: Style is something you cannot learn; you have it or you do not. Of course, there are trends, stylists and designers you can follow for fashion advice. I believe that the secret to an amazing outfit is the courage to put something together in its own unique way, i.e. innovate. Another fashion tip: pick high quality fabrics because they last for a long time! 

Nerina for Club Fashionista: Where did you last shop and what are your must have pieces for the fall? 

Martina Saira: For my last shopping spree, I went to Milan, where I picked up a pair of Chloe boots for the fall. Moreover, currently, I am working on a new winter dress with designer Amna Kunovac Zekic; our goal for my dress: a fairytale comes to life. 

Nerina for Club Fashionista: Martina, please share with us a photo of the final product, we cannot wait! 

Nerina for Club Fashionista: Could you for all the readers of Club fashionista show us photos with a few, especially dear to you, outfits, e.g., business style, night out, red carpet, and everyday chores?

Martina Saira: Of course!

A Perfect Day Outfit

Red carpet styling: dress by Kaftan studio

Outfit for day in  office
Nerina for Club Fashionista: What is your "wish list " for the fall season? 

Martina Saira: A great "oversized" (XXL) coat and some new trendy accessories!

Nerina for Club Fashionista: Fashionistas, this about wraps up our time with the fabulous Martina Saira, whose priority remains her family and then her work and fashion obligations. I hope you enjoyed getting to know Martina! Martina, thank you for the time you set aside for this Club Fashionista interview and shared with us some of your most memorable fashion moments. On behalf of the global CF Team, I want to thank you once more, and we wish you a lot of personal and business success in your future. Keep on smiling, and we look forward to keeping up with you and your fashion escapades all around the world!

In Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian:

Sigurna sam da ste gledajući seriju «Sex and the City» često se nervirale zbog mišljenja kako je život kakvim žive glavne akterke pomenute serije nerealan. Naime, one su uspješne poslovne žene, obilaze sve gradske evente, pozivaju ih na VIP zabave i modne revije, uz to ljube zgodne dečke kad god to požele, i sve to u super skupim dizajnerskim krpicama i vrtoglavo visokim potpeticama. Ja jesam!

Ali, i to je moguće! Upravo jednu takvu damu imat ćete priliku upoznati kroz intervju koji slijedi, samo na stranicama Club Fashionista.

Martina Saira Konaković, direktorica telekomunikacijske firme SEE.Contact, piše modnu kolumnu za lifestyle časopis, promotorica BH dizajna, sretno udata i uvijek trendovski odjevena, originalna, nasmijana i na visokim štiklama.

Na pitanje ko je Martina Saira Konaković, njen odgovor glasi: 

Poslovno i privatno sam dvije različite osobe. Emotivno sam mnogo vezana za svog supruga i porodicu, te uživam slobodno vrijeme provoditi s njima. Pored posla u privatnoj firmi, pišem modnu kolumnu i uz to sanjam da jednog dana osnujem svoj modni brend. 

Privatno sam pozitivna, nasmijana i zaljubljenik u ljubav, posao i modu. Volim izazove i dinamična sam osoba.

Martina Saira & Dino Konaković
Nerina za Club Fashionista: Posao u kancelariji, luksuzni shop sa obućom i nakitom popularnih brandova, praćenje trendova, pisanje za lifestyle magazin, modni blog – kako sve to uspijevaš?

Martina Saira: Jednostavno, ukoliko volite svoj posao i ako vam nije teško raditi prekovremeno. Rezultati posla, projekata, truda hrana su mom karakteru. Obaveze me ispunjavaju. 

Radnu naviku sam stvorila već od malih nogu i to je formula uspjeha. Iako mislim da se čovjek treba posvetiti jednom poslu maksimalno, ja u ovom periodu osjećam višak energije i volje koju želim kvalitetno uložiti.

Nerina za Club Fashionista: Također, znam da si i izvrsna skijašica, te da si više puta osvajala prva mjesta na međunarodnim takmičenjima u skijanju. Kojim sportom se Martina Saira bavi ljeti?

Martina Saira: Istina, skijanje je sport koji me ispunjava. Od malih nogu, pa do danas sam vjerna planini. To je jedna od onih ljubavi od kojih profitira vaše tijelo, ali i glava; jer kad skijam, isključim sve misli - to je moj bijeg od svakodnevnice i brzog tempa života. Da biste bili dobar menadžer, morate prije svega znati organizovati sebe i svoj život. Zdravlje i njega organizma na prvom mjestu. Sport jeste zdravlje. Kada nije sezona skijanja, planinarim na okolnim planinama BiH, te uživam u zelenilu, ljepoti i zdravom zraku. Od nedavno sam krenula i na privatne treninge sa prof. sporta Lejlom Šebic koja uistinu zna svoj posao. Cilj je da oblikujem svoje tijelo i održavam zdravlje mišića.

Martina Saira na skijanju

Nerina za Club Fashionista: Za vrijeme trajanja Sarajevo Film Festivala ovog ljeta, svaki dan si blistala u različitim originalnim komadima odjeće – da li su svi bili u potpisu BH dizajnera?

Martina Saira: Da, posljednji SFF sam nosila isključivo komade bh.dizajnera. Incijativu je pokrenuo modni portal u želji da zajedničkim snagama pokušamo osvjestiti naše ljude da se više uređuju za ove magične manifestacije. Neki komadi odjeće jednostavno zahtjevaju posebnu magiju da bi bili nošeni, a ta magija jeste SFF. Bila mi je čast nositi odjeću bh.dizajnera i dizajnera iz regiona, jer se kvalitet njihovih inovacija može porediti sa svjetskom modnom scenom. SFF je postavio visoke standarde na koje se trebamo ugledati i pratiti! Ja sam bila samo mali dio priče koja je trebala pokazati da se i modne granice trebaju pomjeriti.

Haljina u potpisu Belme Tvico Stambol & zanimljiva kožna jaknu sa etiketom WEARWOLF by Anida Kapo
Haljina by Amna Kunovac Zekić 
& neon žute cipele Brian Atwood
Prekrasnu bajkovitu haljinu dizajnirala Nina Varga
Nerina za Club Fashionista: Obuća koju si nosila uz outfite za SFF bila je u potpisu poznatih svjetskih brandova, da li imaš svoj omiljeni par cipela?

Martina Saira: Sve moje cipele su mi jednako drage i obilježavaju poseban modni trend ili modnu eru. Svaki taj trend nosi značajnu priču sa sobom, pa tako i moje cipele.

Nerina za Club Fashionista: Kakav je tvoj stav prema make up-u? Na većini fotografija u printanim i internet medijima vidljivo je da preferiraš natural, nude look? Imaš li neke svoje beauty savjete, koje bi podijelila sa Fashionisticama?

Martina Saira: Natural/nude look je uvijek IN i nikada ne možete pogriješiti s tim odabirom. Moj savjet jeste da se lice njeguje i da svako pronađe svoj posebni "face mark" koji će naglasiti i koji će biti njegovo obilježje. Najbitnije je biti "svoj"! Možda bih jedino dala jedan couture face savjet: MAC karmin u ludoj boji koji može osvježiti vaš natural look. I da, trudite se što više smijati, stalno... Čak i "osmijeh bore" su atraktivne :)

Martinin izbor
Nerina za Club Fashionista: Otkrij nam bar nekoliko tajni dobrog stila? Da li je to skup i kvalitetan komad odjeće, upadaljiv nakit, sklad boja, kombinacija tkanina?

Martina Saira: Stil je nešto što ne možete naučiti, ili ga imate ili ne. Zato služe trendovi, stilisti, svjetski dizajneri, itd. Tajna dobrog odijevanja je hrabrost obući nešto na svoj način, stvoriti svoj stil, inovativnost - naravno, dobro ukombinovano sa današnjom modnom erom. Meni je kvalitet tkanine veoma bitan, jer stoji za dugotrajnost.

Nerina za Club Fashionista: Gdje si posljednji put obavila shopping i šta si odabrala za sebe za nastupajuću jesen?

Martina Saira: Posljednji shopping je bio u Milanu gdje sam si priuštila Chloe boots za jesen, a trenutno radim na novoj zimskoj haljini sa dizajnericom Amnom Kunovac Zekić i mislim da će rezultat biti bajkovito lijep. 

(Martina, pošalji nam pls fotografiju na Club Fashionista kada haljina bude gotova! ) Čekamo : )

Nerina za Club Fashionista: Da li bi mogla, za sve čitatelje Club fashionista, pokazati fotografije sa nekoliko, tebi posebno dragih, outfita (business style, noćni izlasci, crveni tepih, svakodnevne obaveze)?

Martina Saira: Naravno :)

Business Style
Jesenji dnevni outfit
Elegancija i glamur za crveni tepih
Nerina za Club Fashionista: Tvoja “wish list” u modnom & beauty smislu za sezonu jesen/zima 2013. godine?

Martina Saira: Dobar "oversized" XXL kaput i neki novi trendy accessories.

Martina Saira je trenutno u potrazi za jednim ovakvim toplim veeelikim kaputom
Dragi Fashionisti, nadam se da ste uživali u upoznavanju sarajevske uspješne mlade, prije svega porodične, a potom i poslovne, te modno osvještene dame.

Martina Saira, hvala na vremenu koje si odvojila za Club Fashionista intervju, te na ustupljenim fashionable fotografijama. U ime CF team-a želim da i dalje uspješno balansiraš poslovni i privatni život, ostaneš tako nasmijana, vedra, i uvijek spremna na nove modne kombinacije.

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